Join the Batik Guild

We are happy to welcome anyone who is interested in batik into the Batik Guild for an annual membership fee.

We produce a colour magazine (presently three times a year) which is an important way for members to communicate, discuss their work and exchange views and information which may be useful and interesting to other members. The Guild’s website was first set up in 1998 and is proving to be another useful tool for communication and promotion of the art of batik.

Aims of the Batik Guild


Our standard annual subscription rates are currently:

United Kingdom £26.00 GBP
Europe £29.00 GBP
Worldwide £32.00 GBP
Digital £20.00 GBP

Digital-only membership is available at lower cost for those who are happy to receive the magazine digitally as a PDF download. If you opt for normal membership, you will receive the magazine in printed form by post, and the fees reflect the cost of postage.

How to Join Us

You can join us online by signing up below and making your payment.
We also offer one-year sponsored memberships in our online shop.

Already a member?
If you're already a member, even if your membership has lapsed, please log in or sign up first, and follow the renewal links. If you need help or have any other membership queries, please contact the Membership Secretary.

First name
Postal/ZIP code
Email Address*
Phone Number
Membership type required
Membership fee

Expires 25 Mar 2026

Total cost

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