2025 Award
The Temenos Academy is a teaching organisation, based in the UK, dedicated to the ‘learning of the imagination’ and awards a bi-annual scholarship to facilitate artists studying the art of batik. It is envisioned that this will be primarily, but not exclusively, to support overseas research, study, field work and travel in the field of batik creation.
The award is granted by a joint panel, appointed by the Temenos Academy and the Batik Guild, and arranged by mutual agreement. The recipients of the award will submit a short report to the Trustees of the Temenos Academy and to the Batik Guild for publication in the magazine on completion of the project.
The 2025 award winner, of up to £2,000, has been selected from 15 applicants. This is the most applicants they have ever had, giving the judges a difficult task.
Congratulations to Syahida Mat Hussin, winner of the 2025 Thetis Blacker Temenos Award for her project Heritage in Harmony: Merging Batik and Kite Crafts. She will be exploring batik techniques, including hand-drawn and cold wax methods by incorporating the traditional kite frame and the ‘sobek’ (tear-off) techniques used to decorate kites in Malaysia. This artwork aims to inspire people to recognize and appreciate the cultural significance through kites and batik.
See also www.temenosacademy.org/temenos_batik_scholarship.html